Wednesday, September 12, 2007

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Search these answers in a horoscope which I am incredulous, according to the radio, my color is still three days ago red, and I with my defiant, do not wear anything red for that to see the great destruction to my humanity, therefore, to be so, as I am.

Sometimes, I feel that time is ending, to come to nothing, and I am neither here nor there, but nonexistent worlds, suspended in life, sometimes, dreams, shown endings .. bla bla

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sinenonime @ 2007-09-12T17: 20:00

had a parenthesis here, but everything I had, left over, so there are
(...) ... Is a matter of returning to the silences, and storms and dark clouds.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

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and something more than that, I sip the brain

As I said on that day, nothing new, everything is a matter of perspective. I prefer to stay seated on a bed with a quilted cover the mess of the sheets and thousands of things lost in the middle, with a lollipop, with well-known thoughts, out there, and here.
As I said, but I retract, I underestimated. Some thoughts, I said to write about love (...)
I forgot ...
; that en mí, solo una representations scales grises.

Soy yo, con mis disorder, y mis canciones Saturday depresivas y sufficiently so seductive.

much to me ... nothing is everything to me not enough
I want every gesture, every word ... every second of your attention on what is right
in love, who is to say what talk? silence? want?

ah, today I attacked a squirrel.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

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announced minha sorte, mysteriously lua on anything ..

today there were no exit, there was no desire or heart to it only remaining very tired and lazy like doing all day ..

which is the limit for my memories, let few people into my life? because any kind of feeling, for me, is capped, you can not love endlessly, and you can not find "the" person, again and again, I've fallen many times, but loved, to a very few, not las palabras Mismas podría regale everyone in podría hacerles feel that each destination as tiene promesa, la realidad, ni podría dejar UNOS that many mi cuerpo y toquen me as though there existed acaricien una Eternidad después de eso ..

(...) Sex is a choice, love is luck.
Love is thinking, theorem, Sex is imagination, fantasy
Love is divine, sex is animal
Love is forever, also
Sex Sex is good ... Love is ... well
Love without sex is friendship, sex without love, it will be a

Love, Sex is two
Sex before depois
Love Sex vin
two outros, e vai embora, Love vin of nós, e é isso delay
Love, Sex é aquilo, e coisa e and such and such ... coisa ...

I just think ....

take me a matter of the coffee and dream until the day I open my box and start what I hope to see the other side, or not.