Friday, October 29, 2010

Why My Roots Are Different Colour Than Rest

The title words and Castro

César Villaluz:

"is what we want. The fans deserve it. There are still three games. Ending the tournament and get it right the league, which is a different tournament and you have to start from scratch, and you get the title. "

Alejandro Castro:

"We are favorites and I do not think this time we are not, the group is very quiet, we are working very well, and more pressure, I I see it more as motivation to continue making things better. We also like that the fans required of us, because we are for that and more, the fans deserve it and we're showing little by little, we are able to take the title and we can achieve. "

- From My iPad using

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Pitching Machine Toronto

Kei Fairy What?

The Fairy kei, also known as Kei Pop, was created recently by one of the creators of 6% Doki Doki: Masuda Sebastian.
is a style inspired by American fashion from the 80's early 90's, with a touch of Pop and child.

Pincha aquí para ver esta foto.

T asymmetric and baby doll with pictures of My Little Pony, Popples, Care Bears, Barbie ... tulle skirts, polka dot prints and hearts, beaded bracelets, heaters, socks, ties, Converse, Reebok Freestyle ... all together in a mixture pastel colors, mainly emphasizing the pink and lilac.
Given the flexibility and versatility of style, can include shades darker and even black color while still respecting the influence and child Pop 80's.
most popular brands are: 6% Doki Doki, Spank!, ManiaQ and Nile Perch, B Be Bee ...

Friday, October 8, 2010

Solomon Stone Inline Skates

Villaluz Is the quality / experience of programmers the MOST important success factor on a software project? Third-base

Is the quality / experience of programmers the MOST important success factor on a software project?

False. Processes and discipline to follow themes are more important.

In my experience I've always That When I found out looking for the root cause of delays / defects / failure the phrase "we Need More Experienced developers" is followed by "because this program/application is harder than any other program/application" and then by "because she will use her experience to solve/design/analyze the current issue(s)" and then by "because we didn't solved/designed/analyzed at the right moment" and then "because we didn't know how to dit, didn't know the process or didn't even identified the need to solve/design/analyze it".

Current software projects are big and complex and when faced without discipline or without a team thinking they will surely fail despite the experience of the team members.

-- Desde Mi iPad usando BlogPress