Friday, October 8, 2010

Solomon Stone Inline Skates

Villaluz Is the quality / experience of programmers the MOST important success factor on a software project? Third-base

Is the quality / experience of programmers the MOST important success factor on a software project?

False. Processes and discipline to follow themes are more important.

In my experience I've always That When I found out looking for the root cause of delays / defects / failure the phrase "we Need More Experienced developers" is followed by "because this program/application is harder than any other program/application" and then by "because she will use her experience to solve/design/analyze the current issue(s)" and then by "because we didn't solved/designed/analyzed at the right moment" and then "because we didn't know how to dit, didn't know the process or didn't even identified the need to solve/design/analyze it".

Current software projects are big and complex and when faced without discipline or without a team thinking they will surely fail despite the experience of the team members.

-- Desde Mi iPad usando BlogPress


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