Cruz Azul Alberto Quintano gives details of the low and high
Alberto Quintano gives details of the low and high s
"I'll start in that today and I got to campus I can say that they are ratified most of the elements to face this season, yes, we cease to follow and we will try to accommodate and Joel Huiqui Biancucchi Maximilian, with whom I spoke today and see how we help them to continue in of his career, because it means that there are good players, just not into plans for the team this season. As reinforcements Hugo Droguett is with us and we are in a position to hire two or three more players, which may be either foreign or domestic, in that we are nothing we have not yet ratified, we have no contract, only preliminary discussions Cruz Blue must adhere to certain economic situations of the country not only football but there are prohibitive prices or prices that may occur, but there we are. "
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